In the Begining.. feb 27- march 7th

First arrival and I am surprised there are so many Americans, was kinda hoping i'd be around other foreigners other than Americans. I thought when we all met up at the airport there would be a melting pot of us. those from France, Africa, Japan, but it was me from Arizona and like 40 other kids from Minnesota and Wisconsin. I was hoping this because why leave the states to only hangout with people from the states? I want to keep away from that temptation to only sticking to/ with what you know, and in this case, other Americans. And this is pretty much what most the Americans did haha. So first getting into Brisbane after an amazing 14 hour plane ride where I tried to sedate myself with whisky (did not work) we are all loaded up onto a bus to drive 2 hours to our place of residence in Lismore New South Wales. On the bus I was really into this book, so had my nose dug deep into it while everyone else made small. surface level talk. "WHERE DO YA HAIL FROM???" ha ahhhh what fun. so for the bus ride I read and observed. I was 24 then and all the other exchange students were 18-20 and very eager to buy booze and make impressions. My apartment I was staying at was a sort of dormitory/ apartment complex. There were 20+ building with 2-4 apartments each and the apartments held 4-6 people. so ya there was a lot of people there. And here I met others from not America. Couple of Germans, several Japanese, a bad ass Swedish couple, and a bit more. Still much more Americans than anyone else. my "apartment" was building 19. It was tucked away in the corner of the property. I was pretty thankful for the pic of roommates we had randomly been dealt. there were 2 chicks from Wisconsin, 2 aussie guys, and another guy from Wisconsin. they weren't hectic messy type who partied and ran a muck. no just the uninteresting gossip type.


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