Last stretches of course work, what i've been learning may 13th - 19th
So the school work has been a bit intense, but nothing too out of the ordinary and in retrospect, pretty damn easy for my last year of school. I mean I have no cap stone and one of my final classes in my under grad is painting haha. been creating pretty tight relationships with my fellow classmates. One of them is Tara and I've got her in my coastal marine ecosystems class and my natural resource policy. Tara is from Massachusetts and is an absolute hoot. One of the funniest people I've ever met. She is also way rad in her knowledge of badass punk music despite her style. I don't think I've seen so many other people completely enjoy another person's company as Tara's. She has been great to have in class and was my project partner in our costal marine ecosystems presentation. We become masters of knowledge on the Giant Cuttlefish and nailed our presentation. She will definitely be one of the people I miss. Besides taxonomic presentations for that class, we also h...